Gruppen uden Dig / The Group without You

Vision runs back and forth from objects to eyes, and whatever is seen also sees. …And seeing is self-definition. Objects look back, and their incoming gaze tells me what I am. James Elkins: The Object Stares Back (1996)"Gruppen (uden dig)" / "The Group (without you)" is an evasive surveillance installation using biometric face-recognition.
A large set of jumpy eyes watches the exhibition space. Big-Brother is rendered as an insecure brother or sister, and not as a mythological "Eye of Providence". When gallery guests stare back at the image, the projected gaze disappears. But as soon as nobody is looking, a new set of eyes starts to monitor the space.
(Demo: One of the screens)
Copyright: Kunstpausen #31.
Thanks to:
This project was made for the Pixel Gallery, Copenhagen.Thanks to curator Morten Søndergaard, Biotopia.
The production was supported by the Danish Arts Council Committee for Visual Arts.